I started this blog as something for me. I enjoy sharing the goings on of my life and I also find it therapeutic. Therapeutic you say? Yes, it helps me focus on my thoughts (even if I don't share them all with the blogging world). It's for me!
I've been asking myself why have I hardly posted as I intended? Am I too busy? Yes. Do I not have anything interesting to share? Of course I do. So why have I not made this I priority? I've given it a lot of thought and I think it's really because a lot of my thoughts have been less than happy these days. I miss my Mom........more than I could ever say or ever thought was possible. I also find my life to be far to hectic at times. Basically, I am not doing a lot for ME! I can blame this on a lot of things. My Catholic upbringing and the built in "guilt" that seems to come with it. Not wanting to appear selfish to others. Putting pressure on myself to be "perfect"....whatever the heck that means. All of it is really just silly.
So, the time has come. I am going to do some things for me going forward. I found a great desk on Craigslist and have set up a wonderful little work space in one of our guest bedrooms. I have big plans for this space, I will finally choose a color for this room, will fill it with photos that I love it will be my little place away from it all. I can blog, plan meals and my next cooking challenge, find great gifts for those we love the most, maybe pick up a new hobby. Who knows what I will come up with but one thing I know for sure is that the time has come to relax and just be me!
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