I have a friend, Victoria, she into all things healthy. Check out her blog it's fabulous, and there she'll tell you about a documentary that really moved her called Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. In this documentary you will meet Joe Cross, an Aussie that was extremely over weight and dealing with a rare and "deadly" autoimmune disorder. Joe finally gets tired of being overweight, dealing with the disease, and taking handfuls of pill a day, that he consults with his doctor and nutritionist on what he can do to improve not only his diet, but his over all health. With their help, he decides on consuming only whole fruits and vegetables (no animal products of any kind) for 60 straight day, to do this, he turns to juicing. Joe's story, and that of the people he meets along the way is remarkable. Go add the movie to your Netflix que right now! I think you will agree, it not only makes sense, consuming whole- clean produce just seems like the right thing to do! The journey is amazing.
For Peter and I, Joe's story hit home on many different levels. I won't bore you with all of that, but what I will tell you is that it's got us motivated and very excited! So excited that we ordered ourselves a fancy pants juicer the very same day we watched the documentary. We've had it for about a week and are loving it!
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Tomorrow we'll start a 15 day juice feast. For 15 days we juice all of our own produce and drink 16-20 oz. 4-6 times daily. Other than water we'll consume nothing else. This exercise is what Joe refers to as a "reboot" to rid your body of all the bad junk it holds on to. We're nervous, but so looking forward to it!
My daughter-in-law has been juicing now for nearly a month, and is feeling very well. I don't know how she does it, but it's working for her. Good luck to you and Peter. I will check out the movie.