Monday, February 6, 2012

52: 6 - Catching Up and Finding a Style

I knew that there would be weeks that my weekly project wouldn't make it to the blog. I started to beat myself up about it and then realized it's not something worth loosing sleep over. So, I apologize (to myself) and start again. :)

As I'm learning to be a happy picture taker (that's what I consider myself, photographer sounds very official and "expert" like which I am certainly not) I struggle to find my niche, that perfect style.

Recently I've been playing with color effects. I like the natural color and light that the camera captures, it feels real and classic. However, art is creative and interpretive and I believe there is a place for different color effects and cool editing. I teeter because I want the image to still look real and authentic, not cheesy and over processed.

Here is an image I've been working from a shoot over the weekend. Which do  you like better?

ISO 100 ~ 85 mm ~ f/1.4 ~ 1/800

Saturday, January 21, 2012

52:3 - Juice Feasting

I like the term juice feasting, a whole lot better than juice fasting, it doesn't sound nearly as negative. Huh.......what is juice feasting you ask? Oh, well I'll tell you how I heard about it and what it's all about.
I have a friend, Victoria, she into all things healthy. Check out her blog it's fabulous, and there she'll tell you about a documentary that really moved her called Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. In this documentary you will meet Joe Cross, an Aussie that was extremely over weight and dealing with a rare and "deadly" autoimmune disorder. Joe finally gets tired of being overweight, dealing with the disease, and taking handfuls of pill a day, that he consults with his doctor and nutritionist on what he can do to improve not only his diet, but his over all health. With their help, he decides on consuming only whole fruits and vegetables (no animal products of any kind) for 60 straight day, to do this, he turns to juicing. Joe's story, and that of the people he meets along the way is remarkable. Go add the movie to your Netflix que right now! I think you will agree, it not only makes sense, consuming whole- clean produce just seems like the right thing to do! The journey is amazing.

For Peter and I, Joe's story hit home on many different levels. I won't bore you with all of that, but what I will tell you is that it's got us motivated and very excited! So excited that we ordered ourselves a fancy pants juicer the very same day we watched the documentary. We've had it for about a week and are loving it!

ISO 2500 ~ 85 mm ~ f/2.0 ~ 1/100

Tomorrow we'll start a 15 day juice feast. For 15 days we juice all of our own produce and drink 16-20 oz. 4-6 times daily. Other than water we'll consume nothing else. This exercise is what Joe refers to as a "reboot" to rid your body of all the bad junk it holds on to. We're nervous, but so looking forward to it!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

52:2 - Wedding Photographer....maybe?!?!?

Last Saturday I had the opportunity to photograph a wedding. Ok, it was a wedding celebration, the actual ceremony was in London in June. I was asked to photograph their traditional Indian Wedding Celebration here in Atlanta which is where the groom is from.

I had an amazing time! Everyone was so warm and welcoming, and the colors on all of the beautiful saris were amazing to photograph. I will say this...I was beat after the four hours of shooting, but it was an incredible experience.

A shot of the beautiful bride.

ISO 2000 ~ 85mm ~ f/1.4 ~ 1/2000

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Project 52/ 52:1

So here is the new blog project that I've decided on, which also incorporates photography. My thought is that it will allow me to keep up with blogging (something that I love) and photography (my new found love) while documenting what is going on in our life along the way. I'm brilliant! OK.....not really, Project 52 was actually thought up by many other, more creative people than me, I'm just jumping on the bandwagon! :)
What is Project 52? It's easy really, it's one photo, once a week, for 52 weeks, which equates to one year. The idea is to find a theme and challenge yourself photographically.

The theme I have chosen is "my/our life". Very broad, I know, but I did it on purpose. I am finding that I am evolving and thinking a lot (so what else is new) and that my"life"- our (as in Peter and I) "life" is in such a great place that I want to document all of the ups, downs, fun and craziness that happens in 2012.

So, here we go!


Theme of the week: Crafty Creativity......with a little set back.

ISO 100 ~ 85mm ~ f/1.4

I'm not a very crafty person, but from time to time I will try my hand at it. Things usually turn out well. This heart project, which I found on Pinterest and intended to use for Valentines Day themed photo shoots, was going great until I pressed a stick pin in a bit too firmly and the styrofoam form snapped into three pieces......:::sigh:::

I will not be defeated, hot glue is a magical thing! :)