Facebook. Some people get it, love it, and can't stop checking it. Other would rather not brodcast what they are having for dinner to every person they went to high school with. Myself, my mother, and a lot of extended family and friends fall into the first catagory. My Aunt Cahty...she falls into the second.
After my mother's passing people started using her Facbook page as sort of a memorial. Everyone kept telling my Aunt about these messages and she decided that she bettter start a page so that she could keep up and share in the comfort of the kind words of others. Only there was only one problem. How was she to see mom's page when it was set to private and only "friends" could view it. I had a pretty good feeling I could "hack" (aka: guess mom's password) into Facebook and grant Cathy the permission to view the page. I guessed the password on the very first attempt.....I guess I really am my mother's daughter!
When I got to the office on Monday, January 18th I logged into mom's page to grant the friend request. Not much to see other than her newsfeed and the request. I took a quick look to see if she had any private messages. There was one. I opened her in box and saw a message from a woman named Jennifer. I didn't recognize the name or the profile photo. The message simply said "Are you from Wisconsin".
Below is the correspondence between Jennifer and I. It is amazing and I am 100% sure that my mom is in Heaven playing her part in all of this. I once again find my life changing, and the life of my step-fathers.
Jennifer to Marion
"Are you from Wisconsin?"
Emily to Jennifer
"Hi Jennifer, This is Marion's daughter Emily. Yes, we lived in Wisconsin for most of my life. I am sorry to tell you this but my mom pasted away on January 1st. She had a cancer called Multiple Myeloma. We are keeping her Facebook page active for awhile as many people have started using it as a memorial. If you would like to see it let me know and I will add you as a friend. "
Jennifer to Emily (this is where it get's REALLY awesome)
"I'm sorry to hear that. I lost my mom a couple years ago to lung cancer. All my best wishes to you and your family. I kind of feel bad bringing this up now but I'm looking for my biological father. Not for anything other than a face or a connection I guess. I don't expect anything from him and think he would rather I let him be. I could have the wrong one so I don't mean to upset you. His nam is William Barrington and he was born in Racine, W, had a daughter with Faythe Brechtbill, went to UWM, and happened to marry a woman with the same name as your mom. They were both quite young when I was born and I was raised by my maternal grandparents. Since I was having trouble looking him up I tried another angle and this is where I ended up. Well, I don't know what else to say. I truely hope this note doesn't upset you because that was never my intent. Again, I offer my condolences."
I couldn't believe it. My mother and Will had both told me about Jennifer many years ago. I knew that it had always bothered Will that he wasn't a part of his daughter's life. He tried to be, he really did but circumstances being as they may he was asked, and he thought it best, to part ways with her.
That evening I spoke with Will first. He was thrilled about the news and of course he was open to connecting with her. I then spoke with Jennifer. WOW, how amazing. I just rambled on and on about Will and she listened. I asked her questions too, they seemed so alike! They watch the same TV shows, they're interested in the same books, they both love history, the list goes on and on. Amazing, so amazing. After all this time they were both about to talk to the person that was always missing in their lives. My heart was full.
That night, and through out this entire week I've thought about my mom and if she had a part in all this. As I said I am now 100% certain of it. She worried all through her very short (yet it felt so long) illness that Will would be alone after she was gone. Of course he would always have me and my siblings but he really has no family of his own anymore. He was an only child, both of his parents were only children and since they both had passed many years ago he would have no one. This bothered her and weighed heavy on her mind. I just think it is too much of a coincidence. If not for Aunt Cathy wanting access to the page I would have had no reason to try and gain access and I would never have seen Jennifer's note.
Will and Jennifer talked on the phone just a couple of days after our conversation. Will called me just over the moon about it. They had talked for hours about their lives, their interests, their families. He is so anxious to meet her. I am too! I feel like I am gaining another sister! My happiness for the both of them is overflowing. During this time, with the loss of my mother so fresh something fantastic happens to Will. Jennifer finds herself motherless as well and always had the wonder of who her father really is. She now has the answers.
I share this story in hopes that it brings all of you great happiness as well. I am excited to follow their story and to be a part of it in anyway that I can. Thank you mom. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
amazing, I am so happy for everyone.