Where does our food REALLY come from?
Our very good friend Traci put a post on her Facebook page last week that said "Food, Inc. Watch the movie from start to finish and pay attention to every tiny detail". It got my attention and I asked Peter to add it our NetFlix Que ASAP.
Traci is right, "watch this movie from start to finish and pay attention to every tiny detail"!!! I'm 100% serious, it will change your life......or at least the way you purchase and consume food. I spent the entire 90 minutes of this film in shock and sadness. Now, I was not totally naive to most of what the film portrayed but did not realize the full magnitude of government and big corporation involvement into what we eat. It is appalling at the very least.

Although changes will be hard and slow at times Peter and I are committed to changing our habits. I started by clearing our pantry (which I desperately needed to do anyway) and we are testing out a bag of CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) produce today. The Gilby's will be sharing it with us and I know that they are just as excited. Meat will be a harder adjustment. Especially since Peter doesn't believe a meal is a meal with out some sort of meat. I will be doing research and perhaps be paying a little bit more for grass fed, antibiotic free meats but that's OK with us too. We have committed to drastically limit eating out to even out our food budget.
Get excited and educated about this. You will be happy that you did. Here are just a few websites to get you started!
Food, Inc.
Local Harvest
Local Food Stop
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